The Mix of Lottery Games Online

If you’re hoping for an online lotto win, you’ll find a variety of different types of lottery games available choose from. Here’s a quick summary of the most common ones.
Sites running their own Lotto draws
In this case the gaming site sets out a schedule of draw times for the games they have on offer and you can pre-purchase tickets for them. The draw is automated, winning tickets automatically identified, and winnings automatically paid into your account. So there’s no chance you’ll miss out on your win.
Sites selling tickets for offline draws
There are many sites who essentially act as agents for the sale of tickets in national and state lotteries around the world. These conveniently allow you buy tickets without needing to visit a retail outlet. They also give you access to the big lottery jackpots in other countries.
Lotteries based on national draws
These are games which have their own tickets, with their own rules, available only to players on their own site, but rather than carrying out their own draw they use the numbers drawn in national lotteries.
Instants and Scratchcard games
These work exactly like the instant win tickets you can in shops. Set up an account with the game site, pay the ticket price and you find out instantly whether it’s a winner. Any winnings are paid direct into your account ready for withdrawal.
Online Lotto Syndicates
In the same way that you might form a syndicate amongst friends or work colleagues to share the cost of your lotto tickets, there are a number of online operations which set up and administer syndicates. You get to choose which draws you want to take part in and how many other players are in your syndicate. The advantage is that you get to join in a lot more games than you could afford if you were playing alone – but of course you have to share the winnings. Some syndicates can be quite large.